Colour Forms and Colour Fields D1104

Chu Teh-I


Production date

Object Detail

acrylic on linen
diptych 162 x 195 cm
Since his student days studying firstly under Taiwanese master Li Chun-Shan, then graduating from National Taiwan Normal University in 1976 and from both L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Arts-Decoratifs De Paris, in 1983 and L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Beaux-Arts De Paris, in 1984, Chu Teh-I has spent more than forty years engrossed in abstract painting. He returned to Taiwan from Paris determined to lead Taiwanese contemporary art and art education and has exerted a profound influence as artist, teacher, academic and museum director. Chu’s vivid, expressive works experiment freely with form and colour, revealing his knowledge of both mid-twentieth-century western modernist abstraction and east Asian traditions of calligraphy and ink painting. Chu applies multiple layers of paint in these works, in which positive and negative spaces and forms intersect and overlap. Gestural, spontaneous, calligraphic mark-making contrasts with carefully calculated blocks of solid, flat colour, reflecting Chu’s immersion in both western and eastern art conventions and his willingness to innovate. He has absorbed influences from western painters such as Robert Motherwell and Franz Kline and juxtaposing this visual language with his knowledge of Chinese and Korean art history to develop a distinctive technique in which strong colours, textures and forms create dynamic rhythms across the canvas.
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