
Rahic Talif


Production date

Object Detail

Formosan Michelia, Phoebe Zhennan, Stone, Margaret rotang palm
installed 350 x 780 x 170 cm
‘Flowage’ represents the intertidal zone and its significance for an ocean-going indigenous culture in Taiwan. As a Taiwanese indigenous (Amis) person, Rahic Talif’s work re-examines his First Nations culture. As a result of the tribal age hierarchy he has served in the position of mama-no-kapah (father of youth), in which capacity he has been responsible for guiding young people. From his collection of tribal myths, oral histories and visits to old tribal sites, Rahic has sought to relearn tribal wisdom and represent aspects of his culture in contemporary artworks to ensure its survival. The materials of timber, stone and palm used in the construction of this installation suggest flotsam and jetsam washed up on the shoreline, or First Nations boatbuilding techniques using available materials. The artist says that Oceanic peoples are always ‘drawn to the current, sailing to broaden their vision and discover new islands’. The work, says Rahic, is about the longing for voyages of discovery and the freedom of the ocean. However, the large stone in this work symbolises the anchor of identity and culture, a solid weight that prevents us from just ‘drifting out to the open sea’.
Accession number