Cola Landscape II

Cheng Dapeng


Production date

ink on canvas
200.5 x 200 cm
Cola Landscape II (2011), a two metre square work created with intricate pen drawings on canvas, extends the dystopic theme of Cheng’s sculptural installation. What at first may appear to be a finely detailed, calligraphic rendering of a Chinese landscape turns out, on closer inspection, to be a seething field of creatures: rabbits, pigs, fish, frogs and snails — as well as half-human, half-animal beings — cavort and couple across the surface. The strange aerial perspective promotes a sense of vertigo, as if we are looking into the gates of hell. The title suggests the artist’s disquiet at how the forces of globalisation have transformed Chinese society. The purveyors of the ubiquitous soft drink symbolise all the mega-corporations — monsters of capital — whose marketing straddles the globe, fuelling consumer desire.
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