Disinfection Bowl Cabinet

Huang Yishan


Production date

Object Detail

mixed media on canvas
200 x 170 cm
Huang Yishan’s work presents the viewer with an empty clinical space; its vertiginous tiled floor appears to tilt away from us. In the centre of the composition is a grey metal cabinet with a real cord leading to an electrical plug, purportedly to disinfect bowls that appear to be dripping blood. Various materials have been applied to the surface of the canvas, increasing the slightly disconcerting, surreal sense of space and depth. Huang typically paints arid, unpeopled interiors that convey a disquieting and ambiguous atmosphere – are they clinical hospital settings, industrial spaces, bathrooms or kitchens – even, perhaps the morgue? Blank walls, tiled floors and the absence of shadows or discernible light sources emphasise their bleak anonymity.
Accession number
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