One Divides Into Two, Two Integrate Into One -- Inner Sense

Zheng Guogu


Production date

Object Detail

oil on canvas
232 x 284.5 cm
Zheng Guogu has spoken of the crucial importance of ‘qi’, meaning not just the breath, but the essential spirit or energy of the artist. This notion of the energy of the universe, flowing within and between the artist and his painting, are seen here also, although, with a typically ironic twist, Zheng has outsourced the making process by commissioning a painter to produce them, after he designed the light, shadow and colour using computer software. The works layer different digitally rendered images from religious pictures, projected and then painted, in a transference of light from computer screen to canvas – a transformation that for Zheng represents the Buddhist concept of transience. One Divides into Two, Two Integrate into One – Inner Sense (2013-14), part of a series that Zheng designed to be painted by specialists, was also inspired by the Daoist belief in the potential unity of all things.
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